Focal points

  • Breeding of freshwater pearl mussels by means of a semi-natural breeding programme with the establishment of breeding books
  • reeding of local brown trout stocks
  • Execution of accompanying genetic studiesto ensure the genetic integrity of freshwater pearl mussel and brown trout breeding cohorts
  • Stocking measures with juvenile freshwater pearl mussels to rejuvenate the stocks, including monitoring
  • Implementation of structural measures
  • Implementation of erosion-minimising measures in the catchment areas
  • Implementation of rewetting and drainage management to increase water retention in the surface
  • Establishment of management plans for periods of drought
  • Performance of biomonitoring to document the effects of implemented measures
  • Environmental education with a range of different event formats such as excursions, presentations and teaching in schools
  • Expansion of a freshwater pearl mussel network from a regional to an international level. In particular, the network should encourage exchanges between the players involved in freshwater pearl mussel conservation and offer a forum that can continue after the project has come to an end
  • Organisation of cultural events centred around the topic of the freshwater pearl mussel